Since moving to Maine my yard list has grown faster here than in any other location I have lived. I thought it would be fun to compare the yard lists to see what species I have seen in each yard. I first started eBirding and keeping a Yard List back in 2007 when I lived in Sycamore Canyon. It’s hard to believe it has been 7 years since then and I have moved 3 more times for a total of 4 yard lists! Take a look if you are interested! Bird species seen in only one yard are in color and italics.
Kathie’s Yard Birds Lists
Sycamore Canyon May 2007-August 2010 | Andover, MA September 2010-August 2012 | Tucson, AZ September 2012-January 2014 | Mere Point Cottage 2014-present | |
1. | Gambel’s Quail | Canada Goose | Gambel’s Quail | Canada Goose |
2. | Turkey Vulture | Mallard | Great Egret | Greater Scaup |
3. | Northern Harrier | Wild Turkey | Turkey Vulture | Common Eider |
4. | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Great Blue Heron | Osprey | Bufflehead |
5. | Cooper’s Hawk | Black Vulture | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Common Goldeneye |
6. | Harris Hawk | Turkey Vulture | Cooper’s Hawk | Red-breasted Merganser |
7. | Zone-tailed hawk | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Harris Hawk | Common Loon |
8. | Red-tailed Hawk | Cooper’s Hawk | Swainson’s Hawk | Double-crested Cormorant |
9. | Killdeer | Red-shouldered Hawk | Zone-tailed Hawk | Great Blue Heron |
10. | Rock Pigeon | Red-tailed Hawk | Red-tailed Hawk | Turkey Vulture |
11. | White-winged Dove | Ring-billed Gull | Rock Pigeon | Osprey |
12. | Greater Roadrunner | Herring Gull | Band-tailed Pigeon | Cooper’s Hawk |
13. | Greater Roadrunner | Rock Pigeon | White-winged Dove | Bald Eagle |
14. | Great Horned Owl | Mourning Dove | Mourning Dove | Red-tailed Hawk |
15. | Burrowing Owl | Black-billed Cuckoo | Greater Roadrunner | American Woodcock |
16. | Lesser Nighthawk | Eastern Screech Owl | Great Horned Owl | Herring Gull |
17. | Common Nighthawk | Great Horned Owl | Lesser Nighthawk | Great Black-backed Gull |
18. | Magnificent Hummingbird | Chimney Swift | Vaux’s Swift | Mourning dove |
19. | Black-chinned Hummingbird | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Black-chinned Hummingbird | Chimney Swift |
20. | Anna’s Hummingbird | Red-bellied Woodpecker | Anna’s Hummingbird | Red-bellied Woodpecker |
21. | Costa’s Hummingbird | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Costa’s Hummingbird | Downy Woodpecker |
22. | Broad-tailed Hummingbird | Downy Woodpecker | Broad-tailed Hummingbird | Hairy Woodpecker |
23. | Rufous Hummingbird | Hairy Woodpecker | Rufous Hummingbird | Northern Flicker |
24. | Calliope Hummingbird | Northern Flicker | Broad-billed Hummingbird | Eastern Phoebe |
25. | Broad-billed Hummingbird | Eastern Wood Pewee | Gila Woodpecker | Blue Jay |
26. | Gila Woodpecker | Blue-headed Vireo | Ladder-backed Woodpecker | American Crow |
27. | Gilded Flicker | Blue Jay | American Kestrel | Fish Crow |
28. | American Kestrel | American Crow | Merlin | Common Raven |
29. | Peregrine Falcon | Fish Crow | Peregrine Falcon | Tree Swallow |
30. | Say’s Phoebe | Common Raven | Black Phoebe | Black-capped Chickadee |
31. | Ash-throated Flycatcher | Black-capped Chickadee | Say’s Phoebe | Tufted Titmouse |
32. | Brown-crested Flycatcher | Tufted Titmouse | Vermillion Flycatcher | Red-breasted Nuthatch |
33. | Western Kingbird | Red-breasted Nuthatch | Ash-throated Flycatcher | White-breasted Nuthatch |
34. | Loggerhead Shrike | White-breasted Nuthatch | Warbling Vireo | Brown Creeper |
35. | Bell’s Vireo | Brown Creeper | Common Raven | Carolina Wren |
36. | Warbling Vireo | House Wren | Northern Rough-winged swallow | Golden-crowned Kinglet |
37. | Chihuahuan Raven | Carolina Wren | Purple Martin | Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
38. | Common Raven | Golden-crowned Kinglet | Verdin | Hermit Thrush |
39. | Purple Martin | Ruby-crowned Kinglet | House Wren | American Robin |
40. | Violet-green Swallow | Veery | Cactus Wren | European Starling |
41. | Barn Swallow | Wood Thrush | Curve-billed Thrasher | Cedar Waxwing |
42. | Verdin | American Robin | Northern Mockingbird | Black and white Warbler |
43. | Rock Wren | Gray Catbird | European starling | Northern Parula |
44. | House Wren | Northern Mockingbird | Phainopepla | Yellow Warbler |
45. | Bewick’s Wren | European Starling | Tennessee Warbler | Palm Warbler |
46. | Cactus Wren | Cedar Waxwing | Orange-crowned Warbler | Pine Warbler |
47. | American Robin | Northern Waterthrush | Lucy’s Warbler | Yellow-rumped Warbler |
48. | Curve-billed Thrasher | Yellow-rumped Warbler | Yellow Warbler | Eastern Towhee |
49. | Northern Mockingbird | Black-throated Green Warbler | Yellow-rumped Warbler | American Tree Sparrow |
50. | European Starling | Chipping Sparrow | Wilson’s Warbler | Chipping Sparrow |
51. | Yellow-rumped Warbler | Field Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Savannah Sparrow |
52. | Black-throated Gray Warbler | Song Sparrow | Spotted Towhee | Fox Sparrow |
53. | Green-tailed Towhee | White-throated Sparrow | Brewer’s Sparrow | Song Sparrow |
54. | Rufous-crowned Sparrow | Dark-eyed Junco | Lark Sparrow | Lincoln’s Sparrow |
55. | Canyon Towhee | Northern Cardinal | Savannah Sparrow | White-throated Sparrow |
56. | Rufous-winged Sparrow | Red-breasted Grosbeak | Song Sparrow | Dark-eyed Junco |
57. | Chipping Sparrow | Red-winged Blackbird | White-crowned Sparrow | Northern Cardinal |
58. | Brewer’s Sparrow | Common Grackle | Western Tanager | Red-breasted Grosbeak |
59. | Black-chinned Sparrow | Brown-headed Cowbird | Northern Cardinal | Red-winged Blackbird |
60. | Lark Sparrow | Baltimore Oriole | Pyrrhuloxia | Common Grackle |
61. | Black-throated Sparrow | House Finch | Black-headed Grosbeak | Brown-headed Cowbird |
62. | Lark Bunting | Purple Finch | Great-tailed Grackle | House Finch |
63. | Lincoln’s Sparrow | Pine Siskin | Brown-headed Cowbird | Purple Finch |
64. | White-crowned Sparrow | American Goldfinch | Hooded Oriole | American Goldfinch |
65. | Dark-eyed Junco | House Sparrow | Bullock’s Oriole | |
66. | Western Tanager | House Finch | ||
67. | Northern Cardinal | Pine Siskin | ||
68. | Pyrrhuloxia | Lesser Goldfinch | ||
69. | Black-headed Grosbeak | House Sparrow | ||
70. | Blue Grosbeak | |||
71. | Brewer’s Blackbird | |||
72. | Great-tailed Grackle | |||
73. | Bronzed Cowbird | |||
74. | Brown-headed Cowbird | |||
75. | Hooded Oriole | |||
76. | Bullock’s Oriole | |||
77. | Scott’s Oriole | |||
78. | House Finch | |||
79. | Cassin’s Finch | |||
80. | Pine Siskin | |||
81. | Lesser Goldfinch | |||
82. | Lawrence’s Goldfinch | |||
83. | House Sparrow |
As you can see from these lists I have only been here for 3 1/2 months and I have almost caught up to all my other yard lists! I do think I will reach over 100 yard birds here at Mere Point Cottage!
Field Sparrow in Andover, MA 10-19-2010
Mere Point Cottage Yard
Beautiful photos.
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda!
DeleteI think you will surpass all the other yards! I was surprised Vermillion Flycather was not on your Sycamore Canyon list.
ReplyDeleteKathryn, I know! I looked for that species the whole time I was there but never saw one anywhere in Sycamore Canyon for some reason!
DeleteYour yard lists are so impressive!! Your pictures are beautiful. Had lots of fun the other day. We're still talking about it!!
ReplyDeleteKaHolly, it was a blast and I was so pleased to met you and your family!
DeleteAmazing what adding a feeder or two or three will do. It's so nice to have birds when we are not birding. It's an easy way to look out of the window and enjoy birds without having to put on hats or fill water bottles. And it's even better when something new stops by:)
ReplyDeleteChris, lots of new stuff stopping by here! I hope there will still be plenty when you arrive!
DeleteYou must have good cover in your yard for the foxes and birds. I know the chickadees like lots of bushes and protection.
ReplyDeleteQuiet Paths, it is the perfect combination of open and wooded areas with lots of brush and tangles! I also have some flowering fruit trees, which helps!