It’s been a busy week and I have been birding all over the place with no time to
catch my breath! Last Friday I went birding with Karen from KaHolly and had such a great time! We saw so many birds, many of them new to my Maine Life List and one new Lifer when we saw a Northern Wheatear at Scarborough Marsh! I did take pics but none are very good as the birds was quite distant and the lighting was horrible with damp and cloudy skies! What a pleasure it was to spend the day with Karen and her sister and brother-in-law. As children of the woods I felt such a connection to them all. You can read Karen's Post and see the pictures in the link below and I do have some of my own to show you once I get them offloaded!
Yesterday I went birding at Crystal Springs Farm right here in Brunswick, ME. I met Jan Pierson, who led the bird walk, and discovered yet another wonderful and new place to bird so close to my new home. The best bird we saw were the Bobolinks! I have never had such great views of them before, having only seen them twice before in my life. Once in Wert Virginia back in 2009 when I went on the tour with the New River Nature and Birding Festival and once in Connecticut when I spotted a few in a vacant lot next to a dentist office! Bobolinks are a species of blackbird that make the most amazing sounds. I can’t wait to show them to my friend, Chris Rohrer, when he comes to visit me next month! Crystal spring is part of the Brunswick-Topsham land Trust and is open to the public for birding and hiking. along with the Bobolinks we saw numerous species of warblers, and Indigo bunting, and a Solitary Sandpiper! Crystal Springs Farm is an eBird Hotspot!
My yard list continues to grow on an almost daily basis. I have seen the sparrow population rise and fall only to be replaced by warblers! Yesterday morning I was up early for the bird walk and doing my morning shores when I stepped outside to spread a bit of seed on the ground. As I did I suddenly noticed a new warbler in my yard—a Black-throated Blue! I had only seen this species once before in West Virginia, so I went back inside and grabbed my camera to try to take pics. However, since it was a cloudy day and just after dawn, the lighting was terrible! I continued to watch birds though as more and more species filled the yard. There were so many warblers that I actually debated about whether I should go on the bird walk, but finally decided I need to learn about Crystal Springs Farm, and I KNEW I wanted to see bobolinks! I was so glad I went but was surprised when I finally returned home to find an Indigo Bunting on my own bird feeder! I had stopped at the grocery store on the way home but did not even unload the groceries. I quickly grabbed my camera and started snapping pics! The Black-throated Blue Warblers were still in my yard, along with Baltimore Orioles!
Here’s a look at a few more yard birds and the new feeders and squirrel baffles I have set up in my constant battle to feed birds and not squirrels! You will notice I have added a meal worm feeder. I must admit that I was a bit squeamish about this at first but I finally broke down and bought one. I manage to fill it without touching the meal worms, which are freeze-dried. I am not sure I could feed live worms. I hate the look of them and if they wiggled? Yuk! But, the birds do like them!
Kathie’s Yard Birds Lists Update!
(Species in italics were only seen in that yard where they are listed.)
Sycamore Canyon May 2007-August 2010 | Andover, MA September 2010-August 2012 | Tucson, AZ September 2012-January 2014 | Mere Point Cottage 2014-present | |
1. | Gambel’s Quail | Canada Goose | Gambel’s Quail | Canada Goose |
2. | Turkey Vulture | Mallard | Great Egret | Greater Scaup |
3. | Northern Harrier | Wild Turkey | Turkey Vulture | Common Eider |
4. | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Great Blue Heron | Osprey | Bufflehead |
5. | Cooper’s Hawk | Black Vulture | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Common Goldeneye |
6. | Harris Hawk | Turkey Vulture | Cooper’s Hawk | Red-breasted Merganser |
7. | Zone-tailed hawk | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Harris Hawk | Common Loon |
8. | Red-tailed Hawk | Cooper’s Hawk | Swainson’s Hawk | Double-crested Cormorant |
9. | Killdeer | Red-shouldered Hawk | Zone-tailed Hawk | Great Blue Heron |
10. | Rock Pigeon | Red-tailed Hawk | Red-tailed Hawk | Turkey Vulture |
11. | White-winged Dove | Ring-billed Gull | Rock Pigeon | Osprey |
12. | Greater Roadrunner | Herring Gull | Band-tailed Pigeon | Cooper’s Hawk |
13. | Greater Roadrunner | Rock Pigeon | White-winged Dove | Bald Eagle |
14. | Great Horned Owl | Mourning Dove | Mourning Dove | Red-tailed Hawk |
15. | Burrowing Owl | Black-billed Cuckoo | Greater Roadrunner | American Woodcock |
16. | Lesser Nighthawk | Eastern Screech Owl | Great Horned Owl | Herring Gull |
17. | Common Nighthawk | Great Horned Owl | Lesser Nighthawk | Great Black-backed Gull |
18. | Magnificent Hummingbird | Chimney Swift | Vaux’s Swift | Mourning Dove |
19. | Black-chinned Hummingbird | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Black-chinned Hummingbird | Chimney Swift |
20. | Anna’s Hummingbird | Red-bellied Woodpecker | Anna’s Hummingbird | Red-bellied Woodpecker |
21. | Costa’s Hummingbird | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Costa’s Hummingbird | Downy Woodpecker |
22. | Broad-tailed Hummingbird | Downy Woodpecker | Broad-tailed Hummingbird | Hairy Woodpecker |
23. | Rufous Hummingbird | Hairy Woodpecker | Rufous Hummingbird | Northern Flicker |
24. | Calliope Hummingbird | Northern Flicker | Broad-billed Hummingbird | Eastern Phoebe |
25. | Broad-billed Hummingbird | Eastern Wood Pewee | Gila Woodpecker | Blue Jay |
26. | Gila Woodpecker | Blue-headed Vireo | Ladder-backed Woodpecker | American Crow |
27. | Gilded Flicker | Blue Jay | American Kestrel | Fish Crow |
28. | American Kestrel | American Crow | Merlin | Common Raven |
29. | Peregrine Falcon | Fish Crow | Peregrine Falcon | Tree Swallow |
30. | Say’s Phoebe | Common Raven | Black Phoebe | Black-capped Chickadee |
31. | Ash-throated Flycatcher | Black-capped Chickadee | Say’s Phoebe | Tufted Titmouse |
32. | Brown-crested Flycatcher | Tufted Titmouse | Vermillion Flycatcher | Red-breasted Nuthatch |
33. | Western Kingbird | Red-breasted Nuthatch | Ash-throated Flycatcher | White-breasted Nuthatch |
34. | Loggerhead Shrike | White-breasted Nuthatch | Warbling Vireo | Brown Creeper |
35. | Bell’s Vireo | Brown Creeper | Common Raven | Carolina Wren |
36. | Warbling Vireo | House Wren | Northern Rough-winged swallow | Golden-crowned Kinglet |
37. | Chihuahuan Raven | Carolina Wren | Purple Martin | Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
38. | Common Raven | Golden-crowned Kinglet | Verdin | Hermit Thrush |
39. | Purple Martin | Ruby-crowned Kinglet | House Wren | American Robin |
40. | Violet-green Swallow | Veery | Cactus Wren | European Starling |
41. | Barn Swallow | Wood Thrush | Curve-billed Thrasher | Cedar Waxwing |
42. | Verdin | American Robin | Northern Mockingbird | Black and white Warbler |
43. | Rock Wren | Gray Catbird | European starling | Northern Parula |
44. | House Wren | Northern Mockingbird | Phainopepla | Yellow Warbler |
45. | Bewick’s Wren | European Starling | Tennessee Warbler | Palm Warbler |
46. | Cactus Wren | Cedar Waxwing | Orange-crowned Warbler | Pine Warbler |
47. | American Robin | Northern Waterthrush | Lucy’s Warbler | Yellow-rumped Warbler |
48. | Curve-billed Thrasher | Yellow-rumped Warbler | Yellow Warbler | Eastern Towhee |
49. | Northern Mockingbird | Black-throated Green Warbler | Yellow-rumped Warbler | American Tree Sparrow |
50. | European Starling | Chipping Sparrow | Wilson’s Warbler | Chipping Sparrow |
51. | Yellow-rumped Warbler | Field Sparrow | Green-tailed Towhee | Savannah Sparrow |
52. | Black-throated Gray Warbler | Song Sparrow | Spotted Towhee | Fox Sparrow |
53. | Green-tailed Towhee | White-throated Sparrow | Brewer’s Sparrow | Song Sparrow |
54. | Rufous-crowned Sparrow | Dark-eyed Junco | Lark Sparrow | Lincoln’s Sparrow |
55. | Canyon Towhee | Northern Cardinal | Savannah Sparrow | White-throated Sparrow |
56. | Rufous-winged Sparrow | Red-breasted Grosbeak | Song Sparrow | Dark-eyed Junco |
57. | Chipping Sparrow | Red-winged Blackbird | White-crowned Sparrow | Northern Cardinal |
58. | Brewer’s Sparrow | Common Grackle | Western Tanager | Red-breasted Grosbeak |
59. | Black-chinned Sparrow | Brown-headed Cowbird | Northern Cardinal | Red-winged Blackbird |
60. | Lark Sparrow | Baltimore Oriole | Pyrrhuloxia | Common Grackle |
61. | Black-throated Sparrow | House Finch | Black-headed Grosbeak | Brown-headed Cowbird |
62. | Lark Bunting | Purple Finch | Great-tailed Grackle | House Finch |
63. | Lincoln’s Sparrow | Pine Siskin | Brown-headed Cowbird | Purple Finch |
64. | White-crowned Sparrow | American Goldfinch | Hooded Oriole | American Goldfinch |
65. | Dark-eyed Junco | House Sparrow | Bullock’s Oriole | Brown Thrasher 5-9-14 |
66. | Western Tanager | House Finch | White-crowned Sparrow 5-9-14 | |
67. | Northern Cardinal | Pine Siskin | Mallard 5-10-14 | |
68. | Pyrrhuloxia | Lesser Goldfinch | Ruby-throated Hummingbird 5-10-14 | |
69. | Black-headed Grosbeak | House Sparrow | Gray Catbird 5-10-14 | |
70. | Blue Grosbeak | Broad-winged Hawk 5-12-14 | ||
71. | Brewer’s Blackbird | Black-throated Green Warbler 5-12-14 | ||
72. | Great-tailed Grackle | Common Yellow-throat 5-12-14 | ||
73. | Bronzed Cowbird | Baltimore Oriole 5-12-14 | ||
74. | Brown-headed Cowbird | Red-shouldered Hawk 5-14-14 | ||
75. | Hooded Oriole | Great-crested Flycatcher 5-15-14 | ||
76. | Bullock’s Oriole | American Redstart 5-15-14 | ||
77. | Scott’s Oriole | Black-throated Blue Warbler 5-15-14 | ||
78. | House Finch | Indigo Bunting 5-15-14 | ||
79. | Cassin’s Finch | Chestnut-sided Warbler 5-16-14 | ||
80. | Pine Siskin | |||
81. | Lesser Goldfinch | |||
82. | Lawrence’s Goldfinch | |||
83. | House Sparrow |
Happy Spring!
Kathie, what a great list. It is nice you have been adding to it this Spring..I love the Grosbeak, one of my favorite migrating birds. Happy Birding..
ReplyDeleteEileen, thanks!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCindy? Yes, I remember you!
DeleteI am reposting my comment after deleating because auto correct made a hilarious error. Wow what a great yard list. You had great yard birds in the Southwest but you are equally building a great list in Maine! Love the Cooper's right on the ground. I too want to see Bobolinks. I have seen them in the fall but I want to see them in their spring colors and get-up. I missed out last year because we were too late. But I will go to Ct next weekend to see my mom and sister. My sister knows a field nearby where they were breeding last year. Hopefully they will be again this year.
ReplyDeleteCindy, I hope you get to see the Bobolinks! They are such wonderful birds! It sure is nice to see you (virtually) again! Have fun in CT!
DeleteWow! I think you have found a birding hotspot! Your own backyard!
ReplyDeleteKathryn, you are so right! How I wish you were here!
DeleteKathie, with such a varied bird larder I'll take a side bet that you reach 100 for the yard list before the year is out.
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear you had a splendid time birding with Karen. Pity about the distant views of Mrs. Wheatear but if you would like some images of one I saw last Spring then let me know.
Thanks Frank! I may take you up on that! I did get a few pics but they are pretty crummy as the light was bad and the wind was gusting and the birds was far across the marsh in reeds the same color as it was! Still, I am so glad I saw it!
DeleteGreat list Kathy, I am glad you are enjoying the new digs. Sounds like you will be busy for quite a while!
ReplyDeleteVincent, I am having fun and I am NEVER bored!
DeleteHappy Spring, indeed! Love that photo of you and I!! Your yard list is just amazing. Hard to know whether to go or stay!! If more people payed attention to what is going on in their own backyards, they'd be so amazed, wouldn't they??
ReplyDeleteKaHolly, I loved that picture as well! As for out backyards, you are so right! There is a world of wonder out there!
DeleteWhat an amazing backyard! I saw a Black-throated Blue Warbler in my yard this week, totally unexpected and no camera available.
ReplyDeleteRuth, I was shocked to see one! It was my first time finding one all by myself and they stayed around all day and the next but I have not seen one since.
DeleteHI Katie... So glad your having a wonderful time here in your new home with your birding!! It is a great spring I can't believe all the lifers I have added too!!
ReplyDeleteI can see my back deck and the cute little Indigo Bunting on his third day visit right now!! I have had two males, and a female and probably over a hundred photo's LOL!!
Isn't this fun not having to leave to get great counts!! : ) !!
Lousy rain this morning huh!! Yuck!!
Grace, it love being able to step out my backdoor and see so many birds! We've had some crazy rain here with near hurricane conditions on Saturday when it came down in sheets!
DeleteI'm really liking these yard birds. Feeder birds, field birds, ocean birds and woodland birds......can it get any more epic? This June we are going to turn it up in Maine! I cannot wait for this week to be over at my school.....maybe former school? .......I will be able to focus on my studies of Maine and begin generating reports around your area. Would you also please let the Timberdoodles and Purple Finches to stop by and visit?:)
ReplyDeleteChris, Purple finches are almost daily yard birds but I thought the timeberdoodles had gone until I saw one tonight at the boat launch!
DeletePS. I have nearly completed all of my Arizona birds here. The Gray Vireo was really the last one. Yellow-billed, Lucifer, Plain-capped, White-eared and Bluegrosbeak are a few. But I'll be focusing my energy on the Montezuma Quail in June and later the Cassin's Sparrows.
ReplyDeleteTime to leave the state and see more birds if you want to stay in the top 100! ;-)